
Homework is reinforcement and enrichment of concepts learned in school each day. It is valuable in that it helps your child establish independent study habits and self-discipline. Part of the homework assignment is learning to be a responsible, organized student, and to develop good study habits. Arcado provides grades 2-5 a student agenda in which assignments are to be written down. Homework is given regularly (Mon.-Thurs.) and should only take about thirty minutes per night. Students are expected to complete homework independently, but it is advised that parents check performance once it is completed and provide assistance when needed. Parents are expected to initial their child's agenda nightly which acknowledges the homework assignment and its completion.

Nightly (written) assignments will not be listed on the website. Only long term assignments such as book reports and other projects will be listed. There may not be a written homework assignment each night, however, there are skills which students can work on. A few are:

  • Reading comprehension - finding main ideas and details, using context clues, making predictions, and inferences. These skills can be practiced with any book.
  • Write in complete sentences with correct capitalization and punctuation.
  • Add and subtract multi-digit numbers with and without regrouping.
  • Know all multiplication tables one through ten.
  • Write legibly in manuscript and cursive.